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Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Jan Hrabák


Matej Kertys

Po asi dvojtýždňovom používaní tohto produktu môžem s istotou povedať, že sa jedná o účinný nástroj na zlepšenie svalovej sily a tvaru čeľuste, všimol zlepšenie svalovej sily v čeľusti a mierny nárast definície čeľuste. Cítil som, že moje čeľuste sú pevnejšie a vyzerajú o niečo lepšie. Je dôležité však mať na pamäti, že výsledky sa môžu líšiť v závislosti od individuálnych faktorov ako genetika a úroveň fyzickej aktivity. Jedným z hlavných pozitívnych bodov Jawinneru je jeho veľkosť a prenosnosť. Môžete si ho ľahko vziať so sebou kamkoľvek a trénovať aj na cestách. Jediným negatívom, ktoré som zaznamenal, je, že cvičenie môže byť pre niektorých ľudí veľmi intenzívne a môže spôsobovať určité nepohodlie, najmä v úvode.


Přišlo v pořádku, rychle. Trénuju a musím uznat, že to hodně cítím. Těším se na výsledky. Nečekám zázrak, ale i malá změna bude super a hlavně přirozeně.

Nemá chybu

Posilovaše nemají chybu. Je to skvělý způsob, jak trchu zvýraznit svůj obličej bez nějakého zákroku. Je to jednoduchá věcička, ale funkční. Jsem ráda, že jsem to objevila.


Winbuulder has no fault. I like the tools very much. It is much more comfortable than a chew ball for the front teeth. It gave me a toothache. This is great.

Great product

The product is amazing. I am very glad this product exists. I also do facial yoga and this is a great addition to my workout.

Bez komentáře

Posilovače jsou skvělé. Celý produkt hodnotím velice kladně. Produkt vypadá velice kvalitně. Je vidět, že vše je zpracované do detailu.

Vše v pořátku

Produkt dorazil v pořádku. Cvičení asi 14 dní a cítím malé pokroky. Počítám počet opakování a jsem na tom mnohem lépe než začítku. Začínám mít pocit, že to začíná být lehce vidět.


WINBUILDERS | jawline contouring tool, jaw exerciser - Did you know that the face is the first lot that you people won't notice? According to some studies, it is even generally the most attractive element of our body! More and more people, therefore, pose the question of how to highlight facial muscles. The answer is simple – the strengthening of the jaw.

In cooperation with the leading experts in orthodontics, we have developed chewing aids Winbuilders. This Jawliner Tool with regular use will bring out your jawline, which gives you a more attractive and more self-confident appearance. Regular strengthening of the facial muscles vyrýsuje and stronger, just as it applies to other parts of the body. Winbuilders so you can feel like dumbbells for your jaw Boost.

The use is very simple – you just need to know how it is regularly chewed. The choice then you have the three degrees of hardness, which we define using a scale of "Shore" or "Sh". Depending on your experience then you can choose from three colors and hardness:

white (30 Sh) – for beginners
gray (40 Sh) – for the slightly more advanced,
black (50 Ps) – for advanced.

And how exactly winbuilders use it?

Before using the equipment rinse with lukewarm water. The idea is to use two tools at the same time on the lower molars so that the bent part with the holes faces against the biting surface of the teeth. Equipment load to the same level of the teeth on the left and right side, to avoid uneven loading. Subsequently, bite down and loosen. Repeat this step over and over, and it's ideally for 1-2 minutes, 3× to 5× a day. Avoid stoking the nibs over there – aids may be due to their sharpness damage and in addition, you have achieved the desired effect, because you will be connecting the wrong muscles.

Products to keep out of the reach of children. Inappropriate use can lead to choking and suffocation.

If enhancing makes you feel unpleasant pain, stop it immediately. If you have doubts about whether this is for you the use of this product is appropriate, issue, consult with your attending physician or an orthodontist.


Customer Reviews

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Package contents
Aids winbuilders
Cup with filler
Instructions for use

Diameter 55 mm
Height 24 mm
Weight 74 g (including winbuilders)

Can I use Winbuilders at the same time with braces?
Yes, but in general, we rather recommend. Aid and braces may mutually damage.

Can Winbuilders harm my teeth?
Definitely not. Be careful, however, to aid munching exclusively in the area of molars. If you chew with your front teeth, due to their ostřejšímu shape could cause damage to the equipment.

It is for me to aid appropriate, even if I suffer from a disease of the jaws?
It depends on the type of the disease. In this case, use our tools do you discuss with your doctor or Orthodontist.

They are in aid present some toxins?
No. Aid Winbuilders is made of non-toxic silicone, which is certified for use in the oral cavity. Does not cause allergic reactions and his chewing to the body do not emit any toxic substances. The safety of our product is regularly tested.

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